An Initiative to
Protect Citizens of Brevard against
Federal and Global Tyranny
Each Adult Signature Counts! Ask your adult relatives and friends in Brevard!
Note: We do not have a copy of the final ordinance to be considered by our County Commission. We will be sending out an update on the Truth Fest email list; please subscribe if you want to see a final copy of the ordinance and be notified of when they will be discussing and voting on it.
Collier County's ordinance is available here for viewing. The petition has a synopsis of what we ask the Commission to include in the ordinance.
We the People of Brevard hereby petition our County Commission:
To Establish Brevard as a Bill of Rights Sanctuary County
We would like for our local law enforcement to be empowered to uphold their Constitutional Duty and act as a final firewall to any efforts of federal, foreign, or global entities to infringe on the rights given to us by God and upheld by the Constitution of the United States.
Our Petition:
Whereas, the Constitution embodies the Bill of Rights, protecting citizens' cherished liberties, including their Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Speech, The Right to Peacefully Assemble, The Right to Petition the Government for the Redress of Grievances, The Right to Bear Arms, The Right to be Secure in Their Property and Possessions, The Right Against Self-Incrimination, The Right to Due Process and Fair Trials Before an Impartial Jury, and other essential rights and protections necessary to a free people; and
Whereas, the Constitution reserves all powers not specifically granted to the Federal Government to the States and the People; and
Whereas, the Members of this Board of County Commissioners, Constitutional Officers, and other elected officials of Brevard County have taken a solemn oath to defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies, both foreign and domestic.
Now, therefore, be it resolved by the undersigned petitioners that we call on the Brevard County Board of County Commissioners to pass the proposed "Bill Of Rights Sanctuary" ordinance (with Collier County’s Ordinance Wording), empowering our Sheriff and other county officers to protect the God-Granted rights of the people of Brevard County as inscribed in the United States Constitution.