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January 27th, 2024 Truth Fest
Pulling Back the Curtain

7 pm to 9:00 pm
Brevard County Government Center
Building "C" • 1st Floor
2725 Judge Fran Jamieson Way
Viera, Florida

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*…we are no longer to be children, tossed here and there by waves, and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, by craftiness in deceitful scheming.
Ephesians 4:14
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If Dorothy were to be miraculously transported to 2024, we suspect she would exclaim: Toto, I have a feeling we're not in the United States anymore!

It has become increasingly difficult to recognize the once-great Constitutional Republic we call the U.S.

Pulling Back the Curtain – the promotion backstory

When we heard that Trevor London was planning to “Pull Back the Curtain on Marxist Agenda in the US,” we immediately thought of the climatic reveal of the Wizard of Oz - by the cutest little dog of yesteryear movies: Toto!

We have been through such a journey in the last couple of years and, like Dorothy, encountered wickedness and goodness. We and our companions have sometimes been discouraged and losing heart, and we have witnessed great courage and found people who have developed great courage. Finally, like the scarecrow, we have questioned the understanding and wisdom of our society and leadership:
And my head I'd be a scratchin'
While my thoughts are busy hatchin'
If I only had a brain.
I'd unravel ev'ry riddle

for my Individdle
In trouble or in pain
With the thoughts that you'll be thinkin'
You could be another Lincoln
If you only had a brain…

Like Dorothy, we and our companions have all sorts of attacks thrown at us: wolves, crows, and winged monkeys. 2023 was a year that saw so many issues and attacks on every imaginable front: political, health, family, reputation, energy, food, social, judicial, sexual, race, and economics. Sometimes it is overwhelming and frustrating to wait for justice and restoration.

Yet, like the spunky, tenacious little dog Toto, we are determined to see what is happening behind the curtain. Though battles and even false flags, gaslighting, lawfare, and divisive slander exist, we are determined to know the truth. Revelation after revelation brought us into the light of truth. Ultimately, truth is like a disinfectant, a reality check we need. Yes, we will pay attention to the man (or people) behind the curtain. We see you and are coming to understand your strategies. We are finding new voices of truth to trust. We are many, and we are becoming united - we now know how to pray, and we are listening for the call to action.

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We Will Not Be Ignorant of the the Schemes

The very first verse that came to mind with the pulling back the curtain motif for this month’s Truth Fest was II Corinthians 2:11. Five days after I completed the graphic, it seemed like a confirmation that Dutch Sheets used the same verse for his Give Him 15 daily devotional on January 12th The Price of Ignorance

Satan takes advantage of our ignorance, which the following verse reveals: “So that no advantage be taken of us by satan, for we are not ignorant of his schemes” (2 Corinthians 2:11 NASB). The context of the verse is forgiveness, but a general and very important principle is also revealed. Let’s analyze the verse more closely.

The word “ignorant” is from the Greek word agnoeo, which means to be “without knowledge or understanding of.”(1) Our English word “agnostic” is derived from it. Technically, an agnostic is not a person unsure if they believe in God, though we now use the word primarily in this way. Actually, an agnostic is ignorant or without understanding of any given subject. We also get our word “ignore” from the same root. In this verse, we are urged not to ignore or be an agnostic - without understanding - where the devil is concerned.

“Schemes” is from the word noema,(2) which literally means “a thought.” The verse is saying, “Don’t be without understanding of the way satan thinks.” However, noema also came to mean “plans, schemes, plots, devices” because these things originate in our thoughts. For greater insight, let’s insert all of these concepts into the verse: “Don’t be without understanding of the way satan thinks and operates - his plans, plots, schemes, and devices.” There is also a subtle promise in this command. Since God says we are not to be ignorant of satan’s plans and schemes, He is obviously willing to teach us how satan operates and, when necessary, even supernaturally reveal His plans to us. God doesn’t want us to be caught off guard.

What happens if we ARE unaware of satan’s schemes? The verse tells us he will take advantage of us. “Advantage” is derived from pleonekteo, which is a compound word meaning literally “to have or hold the greater portion” (pleon - “the greater part;” echo - “to have or hold”).(3) It is easy to see why this is a word for “covet.” It also means “overreach.”(4)

In boxing, the person who has the longer reach holds the advantage and usually gets in more blows. The word pleonekteo is also translated as “make a gain”; satan makes a lot of gains on those who are unaware of his ways. The Greek scholar Bullinger says pleonekteo means “to make a prey of, to defraud.”(5) Let’s put all of these definitions together: “To the degree we are ignorant of the way our adversary thinks and operates - of his plans, plots, schemes, and devices - to that degree he will gain on us, prey on us, defraud us of what is ours, and have or hold the greater portion.” Wow! Ignorance ain’t good!

An obvious question is, “He will gain the greater portion of what? The answer would include many things: our jobs, marriages, families, communities, money, government, nation, and more. In the 1960s and 1970s, the Church in America was without an understanding of satan’s plans, and he took the greater portion of our educational system. The same could be said of our government and our nation! The church was asleep, unaware of what satan was doing, and he grabbed the bigger portion of American society and culture. The demise has been shocking.

A week later Dutch’s post included this in his January 19th Give Him 15 devotional:
Beliefs regarding God, salvation, morality, marriage, family, gender, etc., are fluid to many people, making their spirits and souls mooring-less, foundation-less, without a true north; for them, all truth is relative and, therefore, changing. Without truth’s common starting point, even common sense can be lost. Some national leaders and educators now say they do not know how to define a man or woman, that what it means to be male or female has changed. Others believe children should be mutilated in attempts to change their gender, contending that cutting off a body part can transform DNA and chromosomes. Many on the left believe a nation should not have borders, that people or nations can spend more money than they have without it becoming a problem, and that it is perfectly appropriate to take from hard-working people and give it to those who have not worked for it.

Man's understanding and logic were intended to originate in God. Our Creator never intended for us to function intellectually apart from His influence. We were never to be ‘independent thinkers,’ never to have independent knowledge. Never! The reasoning process of our souls was not to be strictly human; it was always meant to have a supernatural element. All knowledge that traversed through people’s souls was to be influenced by the Spirit of God. HE would be the origin and builder of man's knowledge. Of course, the Fall changed this, but that was the plan.

We look forward to uncovering the Truth and celebrating the Truth with you this month!

January Speakers:

Special Guest:
Trevor Loudon

China's War Inside America

Trevor Loudon is an author, filmmaker, and public speaker from Christchurch, New Zealand (now living in Florida!). For more than 30 years, he has researched radical left, Marxist, and terrorist movements and their covert influence on mainstream politics. He is best known for his book Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists, and Progressives in the U.S. Congress and the documentary film Enemies Within.

Trevor will focus on China's grassroots influence on national and Florida elections. He will pull back the curtain on America's unfolding Marxist revolution. He will conclude with, "What can we do to fight back?!"

Since 2011, Trevor has toured the United States, promoting his books and speaking to over 400 conservative, Tea Party, religious, and Republican groups in over 37 states.

headshot of Trevor Loudon

Trevor is a fellow of the American Freedom Alliance and the Inter-American Institute for Philosophy, Government, and Social Thought. He hosts Epoch TV's show Counterpunch and provides regular editorial commentary in the Epoch Times and other news outlets.

Derrick Hicks

Wisdom of the Founders

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Derrick Hicks has been speaking about the Founders and American ideas for over 25 years at churches and events throughout Florida. Mr. Hicks has been a special guest on several radio shows on the Salem communications network and wrote and produced The American Ideas series that plays on The Answer radio station in Orlando.

John Vacchiano

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A Time To Fight

Dr. John believes that we must answer our "Call of Duty" and actively engage in the Battle for the Heart and Soul of America!

As Pastor of Patriot Church in Vero Beach, Dr. John says that his congregation exists to "Expose the Lies and Deceptions of our Present Day Culture and Proclaim the Truth in regard to our Founding Fathers, Patriotism, The Declaration of Independence, The U.S. Constitution, Judeo-Christian Values and the like." Patriot Church is the answer to this call to "Proclaim Truth at the Intersection of Church and State!"


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New Presentations Available on Truth Fest Rumble Channel!
video cover and link to Escape from Tyranny
Cover Art for Rumble Video Link: The Israel Palestinean Conflict
video cover and link to Securing Your Vote in Brevard County
Cover Art for Rumble Video Link: Stop Praying for God to do what He told YOU to do
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