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September 30th, 2023 Truth Fest
Tenacity and Perseverance in the Pursuit of Justice

7 pm to 9:00 pm
Brevard County Government Center
Building "C" • 1st Floor
2725 Judge Fran Jamieson Way
Viera, Florida

Hello All,

We want to alert you to a change in our Truth Fest program for Saturday night. A recent video of Texas AG Ken Paxton and Tucker Carlson will replace the excellent documentary "Always Under Fire" with Dr. Simone Gold. We want to stay current and relevant to our theme. You will be on the edge of your seat hearing the injustices Ken Paxton experienced, as only he can relate.

"Today, we see this rejection and unequal application of law at every level of our society, particularly from our nation’s highest office. Illegal immigration is rewarded, natural laws of biology are broken, Supreme Court Justices are threatened, free speech is infringed upon, suppressed, and canceled, imbedded intelligence agents entrap citizens, established election laws are ignored, and murder is a convenient way to avoid inconvenience and responsibility. .... excerpt from Death of American Justice?

Don't miss the September 30th Truth Fest. Let's continue our work together to ensure justice stands as our foundation in Brevard County and Florida.

The Truth Fest Team

September Presentations:

Tucker Carlson interviews Ken Paxton
Ken Paxton Reveals The Truth About His Impeachment Trial With Tucker Carlson

"Today the truth prevailed," Paxton wrote in a statement. "The truth could not be buried by mudslinging politicians or their powerful benefactors. I've said many times: Seek the truth! And that is what was accomplished."

"Now that this shameful process is over, my work to defend our constitutional rights will resume. Thank you to everyone who has stood with us during this time," he added. "... Now it is back to work!"

Dan Heim

Securing Your Vote in Brevard County

Were you frustrated after the 2020 elections knowing something just was not right? Did you want to do something about it? I'll show you how we made a difference and you can too!

Dan has been actively involved in grassroot election integrity groups across Florida and the US since 2021. He led a team of 45 patriots who canvassed Brevard County from Sebastian's Inlet to Mims asking voters if they voted in 2020 and how. This information was shared with Governor DeSantis office which led to SB 524 – a significant Election Integrity update to Florida law. He's now actively involved with the Brevard Republican Executive Committee, a member of the Election Integrity team, and serves as Precinct 515 Committeeman.

Headshot of Dan Heim

Richard Webb

Stop Praying for God
To Do
What He Told YOU To Do

When we see injustice, lawlessness, and the left accusing their opposition of what they are guilty of, we cry out to God for justice. Listening as we pray, we may find that God has included us in his plan to restore justice. And when we act in faith, discerning His strategies, He will use us!

Richard is a registered lobbyist in Tallahassee & DC and a Heritage Foundation Sentinel. His articles on faith, School Choice, the Constitution, Medical Freedom, etc. may be found here.

Headshot of Richard Webb
headshot of Joseph Robinson

Joseph Robinson

From Politics to Truth:
Lifting Conversations
Out of the Swamp

When discussing truth and justice, it's important to ensure you and your friend are talking about the same thing. Clarity is far more important than agreement.

Joseph is a passionate apologist on the Space Coast and the founder of Overland Apologetics, Inc. This 501c3 is a new ministry that combines vehicle camping “off the grid” with compelling sessions to help believers understand and defend the Christian worldview. Overland Apologetics also hosts monthly meetings for anyone interested in apologetics, including members of Stand to Reason (STR Outpost) and the Space Coast Chapter of Reasonable Faith Ministries. Joseph joined Calvary Chapel Surfside as Assistant Pastor in 2022. He and his wife, Julie, have four daughters and one son.


Please Come and Bring Your Family and Friends.
Urge Your Congregational Leaders to Attend.

Past Presentations:
Many of the Truth Fest presentations that were captured on video are posted on Rumble so you can view and share your favorite message.

Partner Organizations:

Freedom Keepers Logo
America's Frontline Doctors Logo
Anew Ministry Logo
Freedom Fighter's Logo
Brevard Moms for Liberty logo
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