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January 2023 Truth Fest Theme: God's Truth!

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Hello Everyone,

Welcome back to Truth Fest 2023. God willing, we plan to continue bringing you the TRUTH about your health, freedoms, and safety each month, along with important documentary films. Same time and location: the last Saturday of every month from January through October, 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm at Destiny Church, Merritt Island.

The Truth is always more fascinating than fiction. You will see what we mean when you attend our first Truth Fest of 2023 on January 28th. Our January speakers have true news and true stories to share that will demonstrate the Light that shines in this dark world. Additionally, we will introduce new workshops and classes each month to build a stronger, healthier, safer, and more caring Brevard community. You have to be there to experience the Light.

We are looking forward to seeing you again.

Your Truth Fest Team

Saturday, January 28
7 pm to 9:00 pm
Destiny Church
700 S. Courtenay Parkway
Merritt Island, FL

January Speakers:

Joseph Assad

Presentation Title: Undercover Operations to Combat Human Trafficking
headshot of Joseph Assad

Mr. Assad recently participated in an undercover sting operation resulting in the rescue of dozens of underaged sexually trafficked victims.

Joseph worked as a researcher and advocacy specialist for Freedom House, one of America’s oldest human rights organizations in Washington, DC.

Joseph joined the Central Intelligence Agency in June 2001 to work undercover as an intelligence officer in the Directorate of Operations, the covert arm of the agency. Specializing in counterterrorism, Joseph served in Iraq and other secret Middle Eastern locations.

Joseph currently lives in FL. He is the founder and CEO of Inteltech Advisors and provides security training and advice to both government and non-governmental organizations.

Dr. Jana Schmidt

Presentation Title: Health Freedom Update
and Introduction to Community Classes
headshot of Jana Schmidt

Dr. Jana Schmidt is one of the founding members of the Truth Fest Team and a frequent speaker at our events. She is a Frontline Doctor who has been an invited speaker at several national health and freedom conferences. As Wellness Director at Gold Care, Dr. Jana will share the latest successes in reclaiming our medical freedoms.

She will also introduce the Community Classes and opportunities to get involved with community groups and projects. Get involved in teaching and/or joining the classes.

Dr. Schmidt completed her Undergraduate education with a Bachelor of Science and Master's work at Virginia Tech and the University of Florida. She received a Doctorate in Naturopathy from Trinity College of Natural Health and a second Doctorate in Naturopathic Ministries. Dr. Phillip Fritchey trained and mentored her to obtain a Master's Degree in Herbology. She is a CNHP-trained Iridologist and MRT practitioner.

Brandy Crisafulli & Brooke Pearson

Presentation Title: Truth About Human Trafficking 
in Brevard and Central Florida
headshot of Maija C. Hahn
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Brandy Crisafulli has been a champion for victims of abuse, neglect, and those in physical and emotional pain for over twenty years.

She is the President & founder of Life Recaptured, a ministry that provides housing and training for these ladies. She will be joined by a survivor of Human Trafficking (Brooke Pearson).


Please Come and Bring Your Family and Friends.
Urge Your Congregational Leaders to Attend.

Power ON Patriots!

Past Presentations:
We are also pleased to announce that all of 2023's Truth Fest Presentations captured on video are now posted on Rumble so you can view and share your favorite message.
Download January Flyer

Partner Organizations:

Freedom Keepers Logo
America's Frontline Doctors Logo
Anew Ministry Logo
Freedom Fighter's Logo
Brevard Moms for Liberty logo
More Information:
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