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Join Us June 25th for
Another Enlightening Documentary Film Screening

Trailer for seeing 2020 pt 2

Spread the Word!
Truth Fest:
Overcoming Medical and Social Tyranny
June 25th, 2022

7 pm to 9:00 pm
Destiny Church
700 S. Courtenay Parkway
Merritt Island, FL
Hello Everyone,

As you may have guessed, the Melbourne Music Fest was rained out last Saturday, but the organizers hope to reschedule for a future date.
This coming Saturday will be a busy day for Space Coast Patriots.

First, we wanted to remind you to please register for
our next Truth Fest coming THIS SATURDAY!
Overcoming Medical and Social Tyranny

We also want to encourage you, your family, and your friends to attend the Brevard Republican Straw Poll on Saturday before heading up to Merritt Island, FL, for Truth Fest!

Most Americans have never attended a Straw Poll event, but Straw Polls are a unique part of our American culture. This is a family event. Bring the children, model involved citizenship, learn and participate! This is an opportunity to make your voices heard and your values prioritized by elected officials and candidates for office.

Straw polls provide dialogue among movements within large groups. Impromptu straw polls often are taken to see if there is enough support for an idea to devote more meeting time to it and (when not a secret ballot) for the attendees to see who is on which side of a question. (from Wikipedia)

Many people tearing our country apart call themselves "community organizers." We hope to fight their agenda with light and truth. Let our community be more vocal and activate change for good! We can't let the other side win! The Truth Fest team will have an exhibit table at the Brevard Republican Straw Poll; come by and say hi!

Melbourne Auditorium
Saturday, June 25th • 12 PM to 4 PM
625 E Hibiscus Blvd.
Melbourne, Florida

Then after the Straw Poll, we will hopefully see you Saturday, June 25th at 7 PM in Merritt Island! Please don't forget to pre-register and share this with others!
the Truth Fest Team

Register for June Meeting
View Videos from Truth Fest

Seeing 2020: Fear, Hysteria and Mass Manipulation (part 2)

Picture of car travelling down the road to illustrate cell phone tracking.
Path of car stopping at ballot boxes.
security cam picture of a person stuffing a ballot box
The year 2020 brought COVID-19 to America and changed nearly everything. With so many voices and conflicting information; everyone was telling us what to do and how to protect ourselves, it has been hard to know who to trust.

Now we can look back with a 20/20 vision and see clearly for the first time. This film details the experiences of a group of doctors who have been censored for asking difficult questions and pushing against the prevailing narrative. It reveals the consequences they faced for speaking out and providing treatment for those afflicted or at risk.

We encourage freedom of thought and freedom of speech. Science is based on unbiased observations, systematic experimentation, and critical questions are at its core. We must be able to ask and be heard.

In the all-new 2022 episode of the documentary series of Seeing 2020 films, we look at the details of treatment options, the escalating attacks on physicians, medical kidnapping, and the top-down control of the medical community.

Dr. Sal Martingano

The Socialist/Communist Takeover Of America Update
Dr. Sal will be addressing present-day topics that are altering our Democracy. A crisis is the lifeblood of confusion. Knowledge empowers critical thinking. His well-documented presentation exposes the madness while shedding light on solutions we must all seek. Be prepared to take action…our future depends on it.

Dr. Sal Martingano has years of experience in public speaking and is the author of 3 books. He has served as a health editor for a national magazine, has produced over 1,100 radio programs, and has five years of cable TV experience. He is also a member of America's Frontline Doctors.

My mission is to enlighten, empower, and entertain minds of all ages on the complex world of politics- using: Lessons Learned From Our Past to inspire Thoughtful Conversations About Our Future.

After all, Words Have Meaning, and education is the key to understanding those ever-changing words in today’s society and political environment.
headshot of Dr. Sal Martingano

Dr. Jana Schmidt

Fighting Medical Tyranny and Preparing For What Is Next
headshot of Dr. Jana Schmidt
Dr. Jana Schmidt will introduce the feature documentary and follow up the video with the current state of health treatments and prevention. She will also address how we should prepare for what the future may hold for the health industry and our families.

Dr. Jana is dedicated to helping people achieve optimal health, through happy, productive, holistic avenues and products. She is a member of America's Frontline Doctors as well as Freedom Med (a revolutionary health care system that focuses on the well-being of individuals rather than big pharma profits).

Dr. Schmidt completed her Undergraduate education with a Bachelor's of Science, and Master's work at Virginia Tech and the University of Florida. She received a Doctorate of Naturopathy from Trinity College of Natural Health, as well as a second Doctorate in Naturopathic Ministries. She was trained and mentored by Dr. Phillip Fritchey to receive a Masters in Herbology. She is a CNHP-trained Iridologist and MRT practitioner.



Register for June Meeting

Please Come and Bring Your Family and Friends. Urge Your Congregational Leaders to Attend.

Power ON Patriots!

Past Presentations:
We are also pleased to announce that parts of February, March, April, and May's Truth Fest Presentations were captured on video and are now posted on Rumble so you can view and share your favorite message.
View Videos from Past Truth Fests!
Events and Opportunities to Make a Difference
Brevard Republican Party Straw Poll & BBQ Poster Saturday June 25
Here is an opportunity to increase your Voter IQ and be an active part of the political changes needed in our County, State, and Nation.

Brevard's Republican Party is Hosting a Straw Poll!
Meet the local political candidates and elected officials.
Truth Fest and Truth Fest Partners will host tables at the event, come by and say hi!
Melbourne Auditorium
12 PM to 4 PM
625 E Hibiscus Blvd.
Melbourne, Florida

Partner Organizations:

Freedom Keepers Logo
America's Frontline Doctors Logo
Anew Ministry Logo
Freedom Fighter's Logo
Brevard Moms for Liberty logo
More Information:
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@2022 Truth Fest